Article 21419

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Romanenko Mikhail Alekseevich, Candidate of juridical sciences, doctor’s degree student of the sub-department of innovation and project management, Dostoevsky Omsk State University (55A, Mira avenue, Omsk, Russia), E-mail: 

Index UDK





Background. In today's dynamic and uncertain environment, enterprises are increasingly implementing projects through flexible management. Such projects require flexible teams with flexible competencies. However, in science and in practice, the composition of professional competencies required for work in flexible projects is not justified. The aim of the study is to conduct a theoretical analysis and identify in the course of applied research sets of flexible competencies of the project team.
Materials and methods. The research is based on materials that reveal the essence and structure of professional competencies. To concretize the subject area of the study, international and national professional standards for project management were studied, reflecting the requirements for the professional competencies of the project Manager. In addition, turning to research in the field of flexible project management has helped to formulate the concept of flexible team, flexible project human resources and flexible competencies. Applied research was carried out to identify the structure of flexible competences. The method of research is an expert survey conducted at 29 enterprises in different regions of Russia.
Results. Empirical research at enterprises allowed to prove the relevance of the requirements of flexibility in the current conditions of uncertainty and mobility of the project environment. Also significant for practice and science result was the identification of significant flexible competencies of members of teams of innovative projects, the composition of these competencies is presented in economic publications for the first time.
Conclusions. The results obtained will help to more accurately approach the selection of human resources in the project team based on the assessment of their flexible competencies. The study showed a promising direction for further scientific research, namely ways to develop flexible competencies of project team members. Also an important task of future research can be considered to be the combination of classical project competencies with flexible competencies to build a unified model of competencies of the project team working in a flexible environment. 

Key words

innovative projects, professional competences, flexible teams, flexible competences, project management 

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Дата создания: 10.04.2020 13:49
Дата обновления: 23.04.2020 11:20
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